
緣起 | Origin
我們夫妻在2018年創辦了Stable DaDa,其中一位創辦人原本所學是服裝設計,另一位則是視覺設計。後來我們發現彼此都對室內設計和建築這個領域充滿著熱情。在日常生活中,我們經常會這樣想:「如果這是我的房子,我希望是什麼樣子」?「我們如何改進這個設計」?看著一個空間時,會思考著我想要創造出什麼樣的樣貌。
We founded Stable DaDa in 2018, with one of the co-founders majoring in Fashion Design, and the other in Visual Communication Design. Later, we discovered a strong passion for the field of interior design and architecture. In our daily lives, we often find ourselves thinking, “What would I want my house to look like?” and “How can we improve this design?” When looking at a space, we contemplate what kind of ambiance we’d like to create.
Through continuous research, observation, and imagination, our minds are filled with countless ideas about space. One day, I said to my husband, “Enough! Having so many ideas and not being able to bring them to life is frustrating. I need to make these ideas a reality!” So, I started self-learning relevant software online. Drawing from the experiences of renovating three houses in the past and working in other interior design companies, we realized that “only by establishing our own design company can we truly materialize our ideas.” Initially, neither of us came from a background in this field, but surprisingly, we developed our own “Interior Design Philosophy” outside the confines of formal education.

設計團隊 | Our Team
執行總監 吳立功 Vader
專長: 老屋改造、住宅設計、設計與工程整合、熟捻各式工法、組織管理。
設計總監 姚嵐菁 Lucia
專長: 住宅商空設計、老屋改造、藝術美感空間營造、家飾軟件布置。

設計團隊 | Our Team
執行總監 吳立功 Vader
專長: 老屋改造、住宅設計、設計與工程整合、熟捻各式工法、組織管理。
設計師 楊詩涵 Hana
專長: 住宅設計、格局動線規劃、整體風格營造、局部細節設計。
“integrating nature, comfort, aesthetics, and functionality”
設計理念 | Design Philosophy
Stable DaDa以自身的生活體驗為出發,發展出「融合自然、舒適、美感與機能並存」的居家概念。我們關注的是個人,而非商業化的表現。我們期待為每一位客戶創造更美好更豐富的生活體驗。無論是簡約或是奢華風格,每個設計都源於屋主獨特的需求與個性,以及來自Stable DaDa獨有的美感展現。
Stable DaDa is rooted in our own life experiences, developing the concept of “integrating nature, comfort, aesthetics, and functionality” into homes. We prioritize individuals over commercialization, aiming to create a more beautiful and enriching living experience for each client. Whether it’s a minimalist or luxurious style, each design originates from the unique needs and personality of the homeowner, reflecting Stable DaDa’s distinctive aesthetic expression.

得獎紀錄 | Awards
2024 義大利 A’ Design Award & Competition Silver Winner —【Cave】
2023 美國 MUSE Design Awards Gold Winner —【Reproduction of the rustic style】
2023 美國 TITAN Property Awards Gold Winner —【Less is more】
得獎紀錄 | Awards
2023 美國 MUSE Design Awards Gold Winner—【Reproduction of the rustic style】
2023 美國 TITAN Property Awards Gold Winner—【Less is more】